Saturday, March 29, 2008

Craig Comes To Idaho

This is a picture from a couple of weeks ago around March 8th. We went to Idaho Falls because Craig came down to visit from California. It was really fun to get together with Michael's old roommates. They are a lot of fun. Tyler, JaNae, Craig, and a lot of others were there. We went bowling, ate sushi, and watched 10,000 B.C. together. Michael and I stayed the night at the Red Lion Hotel. It was fun. Craig and his friend from Utah, Shawnie, went to the hot tub with us at the hotel. The next day Michael and I went to the Museum of the Pharoahs. It was a fun weekend.


Brian Jambor said...

We had to lock down our blog. If you want access to it, feel free to email me at

Cory and Karen said...

You need to update your blog. It is so nice to see pictures of you and catch up with what you have been doing.